Imagine a wellspring of inspiration and curated resources that empower individual leaders to cultivate wisdom, well-being, and wonder needed to transform hearts, lives, and organizations.

A Call to Transformation

We are all alive to thrive.

In these times of uncertainty, chaos, and challenge, it is overwhelming to witness the suffering and struggles borne of applying old leadership solutions to today’s problems.

While we inherently know what is needed, few leaders actually embody a way of leading that cultivates conditions in which transformation can occur.

512 Leadership Group created Alive2Thrive for this purpose: To support an individual’s formation as a leader in becoming more conscious, contemplative, and capable – while remaining firmly grounded in core values of humility and service.

We invite you to learn more about Alive2Thrive, powered by the experience and knowledge of 512 Leadership Group.

We believe that if we are to transform our world, we must first be transformed ourselves.